Pre Star Wars Excitement

Tonight I’ll be seeing the first showing of Star Wars The Force Awakens and my local theater. I am beyond excited to finally get an opportunity to see what JJ Abrams has created. By no means am I the biggest Star Wars fan, yet I have large appreciation for what they represent to people and pop culture.  I was born in the 80s and when I finally saw episode 4-6 in the mid 90s I loved them. I was like any other kid my age, I wanted to be Han Solo and battle the dark side. Like everybody else I didn’t care much for the prequels. And much like Rocky 5, I’m going to pretend like they didn’t even happen.

Now several hours away from showtime I super pumped for this experience. I’ve stayed away from spoilers and from extended scenes from the movies.

( I’ve never understood why people would want to seek these out. If I’m a true fan nothing can replace the thrill of finding out Vader is Luke’s father in Empire Strikes Back, yet these days some people are so obsessed with getting as much info on the movie as they can that they spoil the show. It drives me nuts. Nothing is more exciting to me then being in a movie and thinking to myself “I truly have no idea what will happen next.” That feeling happens less and less these days with spoilers on the internet or trailers showing way too much before hand)

Now that I’ve got that off my shoulders. All this anticipation made me think of other movies that I’ve felt the same for. Yes, I’m super duper stoked to see Star Wars tonight but by no means is this my most anticipated movie ever. The Dark Knight Rises is probably the most excited I’ve ever been for a movie. To show how crazy I was about Nolan’s final Batman movie……I remember calling the nearest IMAX theater 6 months ahead of time asking if tickets were on sale yet, and if not when would they be. I was met with such disdain from employee that I would ask such a ridiculous question. Never the less I can’t possibly think of another movie that peeked my excitement like the 2nd and 3rd Nolan Batman movies.

Hopefully tonight JJ has something special up his sleeve and the movie doesn’t disappoint. I have high hopes, and would be willing to bet it will go down as the highest grossing movie ever.

Who is SNL’s #1 Banana?

snl-logoOver the last several years SNL has been in a bit of a transitional phase. Since 2012 the show has lost: Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Seth Meyers, Andy Samberg, Jason Sudeikis, Kristen Wiig. All of whom were the main performers on the cast. In the aftermath of those departures the show has been in search of an identity. After a couple rocky seasons SNL has found its identity and it’s rolling once again.

I like to compare the cast of SNL to a professional sports team. Everybody needs to fill a roll. Starting with the top. The coach/general manager-Lorne Michaels. Other then a break from the show from 79-85, Lorne has been the consistent architect who has not lost his edge. Whenever people complain the show is losing its luster, Lorne seems to track down new, talented cast members who become fan favorites in a blink of an eye.

With every successful team there needs to be role players. Someone who might not have the ability to carry an entire show but who can fill in however possible and give a solid performance. The current cast seems to have a boatload of role players. Some who have been around for a while and have been turning out limited yet quality performances for years. And some who are newer to the show and haven’t quite found their groove yet but are very promising.

Up until this year the cast seemed to be missing a star player. After the likes of Sudeikis and Hader left some figured Taran Killam would move into a starring role. Being the most talented male on the show, Killam seemed destined to take over. During 2014 Killam was giving every opportunity to take control of the starring role. He did a solid job but rather then being a number one option he seemed more comfortable being the second or third option on the cast.

After watching the 7th episode of the season hosted by Ryan Gosling I believe the show has found its #1 banana. Consistently during the 40th season Kate McKinnon has been the star. She has taken this season by storm while forcing SNL out of its transitional period into an era of their own.

McKinnon finds a way to own every sketch she’s in whether she is the focal point or a supporting cast. Her range and energy has propelled her into more and more sketches every show. During the Gosling show the NSA Alien Investigation sketch was by far the funniest moment of the show. Not only was she getting the most laughs from the audience, but her co-stars struggled delivering their lines without laughing out loud.


Not every cast member develops into a star outside of SNL. For every Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig and Tina Fey there are numerous cast members who fade into the sunset once their time is finished on the show. Kate McKinnon seems to have the skills and talent to have a long successful career, post SNL. Whenever that time comes I’m sure she will not disappoint.

Until then….here’s to SNL once again figuring it out and getting back on track. Lets keep it rolling!


Tyson’s Cancer Fund-Racer


In early 2015 my father was diagnosed with melanoma cancer. The cancer had spread to a couple different parts in his body so we wanted to seek out the best care possible, asap. The last half year has been extremely tough on my whole family while my dad has been receiving treatment. Luckily, he has been much improved over the last month or so, which has reduced the stress for everybody.

This is the first time I’ve ever been close to someone battling this terrible disease. So I never fully understood how it impacts to everyone involved. My family is in a good position though, we have a solid health insurance plan and between my family and our friends willing to help out, we’ve done the best we can to support my dad. I cannot imagine how other people who are in less fortunate situations get through these tough times. There is so many different things to manage, caring for someone battling cancer turns into a full time job.

After seeing first hand how difficult these times can be for people I wanted to find a way to help. In late July I decided to sign up for the Bellingham Bay Marathon which takes place on September 27th. It will be my first marathon. After signing up a rush of excitement hit me. I was pumped to tackle this new challenge but I still wanted to find a way to do more. I started brainstorming some ideas of ways to link the race with raising some money for people in my community who have been affected by cancer.

After a couple weeks of searching I was connected with the perfect local nonprofit, the Laurendeau Cancer Care Fund.  The fund was established in 1980, and was named after Dr. Theresa Laurendeau, a retired Bellingham Pathologist, who provided the initial support for the fund.  She was exposed to the mental and financial burdens faced by cancer patients and their families. Her initial funding along with generous community support over the years has helped over 500 cancer patients in Whatcom County who aren’t eligible for public assistance or don’t have the funds to fully pay for their medical care with the help they’ve needed. The Laurendeau Fund falls under its parent non-profit organization, The Chuckanut Health Foundation. This was the exactly what I was looking for. A community focused charity who specializes in helping in-need families battle a cancer diagnosis.

I’m extremely excited to get the ball rolling on this fundraiser. I hope we can get the word out and raise some money for this cause close to my heart.

I’ve never run a fundraiser before. So this is all new to me. Please make a donation, if you cannot I would appreciate a re-post so more people can view my story.

Thank you.

Workout Program Part II

homer working out

In this post I will continue where I left off last time. I had just introduced a circuit workout program. Now after thinking about it, the first program I created might have been a little tough for a beginner. If that’s the case you always have the ability to modify the workout. If it calls for 10 reps and you only have 6 in you. No need to push into the dangerous territory where good form goes to shit(XFit).  These workouts are just guidelines, somewhere to get started. If you find something else working better for you go right ahead. Just stay consistent with my core goals.

  • Mix it up.
  • Keep Moving
  • Have a plan

Workout II

  • Warm up. 3 to 5 minutes on treadmill. 4-5 speed.

Do this circuit one after another with 90 second break after each time. Complete the circuit 4 times (x4)

  • Leg Extension machine x10(4 sets with 10 reps each time).
  • Leg Curl machine x10.
  • Calf Raises x20. Take these slow. When you’re on your tippy toes hold it for 1 second.
  • 30 seconds of crunches.

Second circuit do it 4 times(x4) with a 90 second break .

  • Pullups (shoulder width)x6-12. If you need the assisted pullup station use it. If you need more resistance use a weighted belt.
  • Burpees. x10(without the pushup)
  • Bicycles for 30 seconds

Third circuit. x4 with 90 second break.

We are finished with circuits. Now just a couple individual exercises to finish out. Give yourself 120 seconds or so rest in between each set.


If you still have energy try this quick little cardio workout. It can be done on a treadmill or a bicycle.

20 second sprint. 10 second rest. Do this repeatedly until you reach 4 minutes.

If you try this on a treadmill set the speed as close to top speed as you can without going into the danger zone. To rest on the treadmill grab the handle bars on the sides and lift yourself onto the outside of the treadmill.


Give yourself at least 1 days rest in between Workout I and Workout II.

Next post I’ll go in depth with some more workouts.

What the hell to do at the gym?

Healthy Lifestyle Part III


Ok, so you’ve bought your shoes, bought some new shorts and maybe a couple breathable t-shirts. A new water bottle is ready to be put in use. You may or may not have decided to poke your head into the Under Armor store. It may seem like all that gear will make you bigger, faster, stronger, better looking, etc. But It’s all for show. What really matters is your motivation and creating a program that you can stick to. In this post I’m going to go over some basic workouts and philosophies that will help you get started.

Workout goals: Whatever program you decide on these philosophies should be followed.

  • Mix it up. It’s so simple but time after time people seem to fall into the same rut all the time. People get comfortable with their workout and do the same thing over and over again. This will eventually put you in an area where you’re not improving. Your body needs to be kept on its toes. Muscle confusion is a term that is thrown around all the time. And it’s spot on. You need to be mixing up what you are doing every week. If one week you are barbel bench with heavy weight. Next week do dumbbell bench with lighter weights and more reps. Apply this principal with everything you do.
  • Keep moving. This is another pitfall I see people fall into all the time. They do a set up 10 reps then stand there and rest for 4 to 5 minutes. Unless, you are an advanced power lifter and have a detailed workout that is calling for this you should never be standing around. Most people do not have 2 plus hours free for a workout everyday. Where you could spend 1 hour lifting slow then the second hour dedicate it to cardio. SInce most people do not fall into this group you need to work up a sweat while lifting. If you keep it moving you will have a 2 hour workout packed into 1 hour.
  • Have a plan. Before your workout starts you need to have a pretty good idea of what you’ll be doing. At least 75% of your workout needs to be pre planned. This prevents wandering around trying to figure out what to do.
  • Cut the socializing. This is a hard one for some people. There is always someone who will be willing to talk your head off for 10 minutes. This is the best way to kill your motivation and have a poor workout. Wear headphones. If you want to talk to someone make it fast, and when you are ready to get back to work be proactive and tell them to have a good rest of the workout and turn the music back up.

Workout I

  • 3 minute warm up on the treadmill. Speed 4.5 to 5. Get the blood flowing
  • Leg press machine-4 sets of 6-8 reps.( I prefer the leg press machine over squats because during squats your form is very key and most people I see struggle with incorrect form. In between of those reps bounce around on your toes a bit like you are jumping rope.

The next 5 exercises will be a circuit.

That means do one after another without a break.

  • Pushups. X 8-15. If you struggle to get at least 8 drop down and do them on your knees.
  • Body weight squat jumps. X 10-15
  • Dumbbell bicep curl. X 10-15
  • Incline pushups. X 8-15. Grab a bench and use that.
  • Wide body weight squat jumps. X 10-15

Do this circuit 4 times. With a 60 second break between starting it again. Arrange all the tools and weights you need in one area before you start.

Once finished take a 2 minute break while putting away your weights and gathering everything you need for the next circuit.

Second circuit X 4 with 80 second break in between.

After you’re done with that circuit. We have a couple more things to do. But no more circuits for the day.

Body weight squat jumps switching from wide to narrow stance. 3 sets of 12. 1 minute break in between sets.

Bench dips. 3 sets of 15-20. 1 minute break in between sets.

Hammer curls. 3 sets of 8-12.

If you have any energy left either get on the stair master or treadmill and do some interval training.

1 minute slow then 1 minute fast. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes.

Finally, you are done. Stretch your quads, hamstrings, calves and anything else that is feeling a bit tight.

Try to get 25 to 40 grams of protein within 30 minutes of working out.

Next post I’ll create a complementary workout to the one I posted today.